If I didn’t know you could make some spectacular DIY farmhouse lanterns from dollar store supplies, I wouldn’t believe it, but it’s true. And they’ll only set you back about $5.

Once I show you how easy it is, you’ll believe it too! Get ready for one of the best DIY projects ever!
Seriously, these lanterns are amazing! Here’s what you’ll need to complete one lantern:
DIY Farmhouse Lanterns: Materials List
- four flat-sided black picture frames, 8×10 size
- one 8-in square picture frame
- needle nose pliers
- hot glue gun
- one black shower curtain ring {if you would like a ring at the top of your finished lantern}
Centerpiece: How To
Take the back off of each 8×10 frame. Using the hot glue gun, glue the frames together at the sides to form a cube.
To form the top of the lantern, take apart the square picture frame. If there are any little sharp metal parts sticking out of the corners of the frame, use the needle nose pliers to remove them.
Glue the four pieces from the square frame to the four corners at the top of the cube, and glue them together in a point at the center. They will form a 4-sided triangle for the top of the lantern.
If desired, place the black shower curtain ring on top. It just makes the lantern look more realistic.
Set your lantern over a set of battery-operated pillar candles and enjoy the farmhouse look you just created!
Joanna Gaines would be shocked at your awesome Dollar Store DIY that looks incredibly legit. Magnolia Market might just have to carry these. Don’t be surprised if you start to see them on the shelves.
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