Here are some fun ideas on Spring front door decor without wreaths! If you’re looking for a way to really make your door stand out this year, take a look!

Spring Front Door Decor Without Wreaths
1. Try using rain boots! Look at your local thrift shop for a pair, then use silk greenery and tulips. The greenery goes in one boot and the tulips in the other. These boots happen to have ducks on them, and handles that are perfect to attach some burlap ribbon for hanging. So cute!

2. Another idea is to turn an umbrella into a “vase” for your front door. Just use a length of ribbon to tie around the umbrella at approximately the half way point, then use the folds on one side of the umbrella as spots to hold flowers of your choice. This is a really unique and beautiful idea!
3. What could be more perfect for Spring decor than a watering can? This one is filled with tulips, greenery, and blown eggs. The vintage, rusty watering can is truly what provides the rustic appeal.

Spring Front Door Decor Without Wreaths
4. Turn a large wooden letter into a Spring monogram for your door. The bright colored stripes and floral accents really make it pop. Ribbon or burlap are perfect for hanging, but if your letter is the right shape no ribbon is necessary–just hang it on your wreath hanger.

5. What says “Welcome Spring” more than a cute basket filled with blooming Forsythia and Pussy Willows? Any type of basket made for hanging on a wall is perfect for a front door decoration. Just fill with your favorite Spring flowers, little birds, or eggs. You really can’t go wrong!
6. An empty frame is another way to decorate your door for Spring, and there are lots of ways you could personalize your own. I love the pinwheels and mini pictures ideas.

I hope you like these ideas for Spring front door decor without wreaths! Before you go, check out my post on simple Spring decorating ideas.
I love the umbrella idea, where did you find the plaid umbrella as I’ve been looking for one. Thank you!! Here is a pretty similar one!